《hai 🚨(hai)wai 🤡(wai)qing 🛹(qing)bao 😔(bao)》wei 🏞(wei)da 😫(da)jia 🌑(jia)dai 📔(dai)lai 🥡(lai)zhou 🏟(zhou)yi 🥋(yi)ou 🍦(ou)zhou 🐅(zhou)bei 🦊(bei)sai 🍲(sai)chang ⏩(chang)de 🏉(de)hai 🃏(hai)wai 💝(wai)xiao 💧(xiao)xi 😺(xi) tian 🥞(tian)qi ✖(qi):duo 🤰(duo)yun 🔻(yun),16°C bi 👲(bi)sai 💕(sai)chang 🤱(chang)di 📚(di):hong 👇(hong)niu ♑(niu)jing 🦓(jing)ji 🌖(ji)chang 🏻(chang) bi 🤯(bi)fen 🚨(fen):ping 🚲(ping),1-1 CROATIA: No defeats can be found in Croatia's 6 most recent home games in Euro Championship Croatia are unbeaten in 41 of their 45 most recent home matches (all competitions) Croatia's performance has been disappointing of late, as they have won just 1 of their 7 most recent Euro Championship clashes ITALY: For Italy there have been a series of 4 away all competitions draws at half time In their last 156 games in all competitions, Italy have recorded 135 undefeated encounters Italy have achieved just 1 wins in their 6 most recent away games in all competitions